Tuesday, September 06, 2005
"When I read that I may be wasting my life gambling, I decided to give up reading."
Thanks for stopping by this humble poker blog. I've got a bunch of new poker content that I’ve managed to scrape together, despite my intermittent internet connection. Have mercy on me, gentle reader.
Anyway, I'd written a lengthy rant about Katrina and thankfully deleted it. You don't come here for my two cents on that stuff. You come here for pure, unadulterated poker content.
And the weird pictures, admit it.
I still remember reading a link to me in a non-poker blog that stated thusly:
Most of my favorite bloggers, (Robert Scoble, Mark Cuban, Joel Spolsky, Gabe and Tycho, Tim Bray and Iggy, besides being authoritative, all share a focus and consistency of content that makes their respective sites worthwhile. Their adherance to a topic is one of the key qualities that makes their respective sites valuable.
I was blown away to be listed in such elite company (and I know I'm not - this is just a silly poker blog) but it was then I realized how important it was that I stay on scope. Of course, I could ramble about all sorts of peripheral topics but who the hell would want to read it? My mom, perhaps?
But like everyone else, Katrina's devastation is overwhelming to me. I don't want to start ranting again so I'm better off just acknowledging and moving along. A big thanks to everyone who participates in the online poker charity tournaments.
Moving along, I watched a great movie this weekend that showed how deep the human drive is to survive. I'm a documentary junkie, so I'm not sure why I waited so long to watch this one. It's called Touching the Void and in Roger Ebert's review (he gave it 4/4 stars) he said, "I didn't take a single note during this film. I simply sat there before the screen, enthralled, fascinated and terrified." It gripped me in the exact same manner. Must be seen to be believed.
So how's poker treating me? Pretty ugly online, truth be told, but doing well at the boat. Too bad the swings are FAR larger and faster online. But hell, I'm used to it and that's half the battle. Been playing more and more of the 30.60 and paying the price. Just gotta suck up the big losses and be prepared to play another day.
Sorry for the pithiness but it is what it is. Sometimes the more vapid the poker cliche, the sharper the canines of the real truth it covers. Damn downswings.
K, let's start the tangential Guinness-fueled post, shall we? I've a ton of stuff to get to and a limited amount of soberiety. Let's Boot Up Cyberspatial Holographic Poker Linkage:
The very first thing you should read is this interview with Mike Matasow.
Mike Matusow: More Than a Mouthful
A great snippet:
MM: Online poker players are the worst poker players in the history of mankind. I play against really bad players who just give their money away. Guys put in $13,000, $14,000 when they can’t beat anything. Only online do you see that. That can never happen in a live game. I crush the no-limit online.
Mike obviously lives in a far different universe than the rest of us, which is what makes him so damn fascinating. Don't gloss over, go read the interview above!
Important advice here. Read carefully.
The 5 Musts to becoming becoming a World Class Player
1. Value bet the river.
If you've been leading with a hand like TPTK (top pair top
kicker) and you get raised on the river, always cap it if either of
the following is true:
your opponent has a screenname like BettydaBoop, AnnieDuke, or
AngelWings. All these names clearly give-away the fact that you're
against a woman and it's a proven medical fact that women can't play
your opponent has an enormous chip stack. This is a clear giveaway, a
"tell" in poker lingo, that your opponent is insecure. Why else would
he need so many chips in front of him? If I'm HU with this sort of
player and the poker site offers unlimited raises, I always go to at
least 12 raises before I back off, and then it's usually just to save
him the embarrassment of losing too much at once. I don't want him to
get sore and leave.
2. Get to Know your opponents.
All the WCPs (world class players) know the crucial importance
of getting to know their oponnents. Therefore, if you're to become a
World Class player, you've got to take the time to get to know yours.
The simplest way is just to ask them some questions. Here are a few to
get you going,
"what's your favorite color?"
"do you like animals?"
"Have you ever been to Disneyland?"
And remember, it's not enough just to ask questions, any idiot
can do that. You've got to pay close attention to the answers and then
make notes, so should you meet that player again, you'll know just
what's what.
3. Don't be fooled by the myth of suited connectors.
The myth states that suited connectors are valuable because
they can win in 2 ways. A hand like 76s can make a straight or a
flush. But only 1 straight and only 1 flush.
Non-suited gappers can win in 4 ways. A hand like T2o, can make 2
different flushes, and 2 different straights. It was no fluke that
Doyle Brunson won the WSOP 2 years in a row with this very same hand.
4 ways to win is always better than 2. It's pure math. This quadruple
ways to win is the cryptic meaning behind the Malmouth and Sklansky's
website: 2+2=4. Therefore, with non-suited gappers open for a raise
from any position, unless you want to mix-up your game in which case,
limping is acceptable. But if you do limp and it's raised, ALWAYS
4. Don't read poker books.
What do poker players want to do? If you answered "take my
chips" you're clearly WCP stuff. It follows logically then, that,
either a poker author doesn't know what he's talking about, or he's
deliberately teaching us wrong things, so that he can, more easily
take our chips. The books sound rational, sound correct, but that's
just how they dupe us into buying them. Poker, i repeat, Poker, at the
World Class level simply isn't a rational game. At the World Class
level, poker is all about guts and courage and creativity.
5. Realize that Poker at the World Class level is an Art.
And that no Art worth it's name was ever produced without an
enormous amount of alcohol. Therefore, in planning your poker sessions
be sure to have enough alcohol to get you through them. A session for
me is about 3 hours and I drink a can of beer every 10 minutes so I
need 18 cans of beer on hand. This rule is even more applicable to NL,
than Limit.
Well, there it is.
Good luck. And may the chips fall where they may.
Here's a question and answer for you, with a valuable online poker tip.
If you're playing Texas Hold 'Em and the three cards dealt face-up in front of you are all the same suit, what's one thing you should absolutely avoid doing?
Hi I just read this question in Edward Hutchinson's post (boot camp for poker players) and I wondered if any one could give me the answer. Thanks in advance.
Don't look at your hole cards. Dead giveaway that you didn't flop a flush.
Duh. You are obviously looking back to see if you have one of the flopped suit.
When I'm playing online and three suited cards flop, I always look away from the screen and look real casual; I NEVER look back at my cards.
I've blogged about this before - playing shorter sessions at a time to stay focused. And I can play far longer at the boat than online, especially if I'm in a good game.
Subject: Length of Poker Sessions
Lately, I've been playing shorter poker sessions than I used to. I find 2 to 3 hours are enough for me, if I'm ahead. The longest session I've played in the last 3 months is 4 hours, even though I was stuck pretty good.
Of course, my age has something to do with it (I'm an old broad). That, and the fact
I don't enjoy playing poker that much any more. Also, if I stay longer than 4 hours, I get too tired to make good decisions.
I've always heard that putting in longer hours is better, since a decent player can expect to make at least one big bet per hour. This doesn't work for me anymore and never did, for that matter.
Back in the day, I would sit for long hours, especially if I was stuck. That never worked well for me. It was a losing strategy.
Since I've been logging short sessions, my hourly rate has sky-rocketed. Of course, I've been on a rush, but I also don't sit for a long time when I'm running bad. This is better for me too.
I'd like to hear from other people what works for them.
Now to clarify, I still play a shitload of online poker. After all, I quit my job nearly a year ago (was it that long ago?) to pursue this path. As Fast Eddie constantly reminds me, "It's all about getting the hands in. Get the hands in, the money will come."
And current downswing aside, he's right.
Wait, before I get going here, I'd be remiss if I didn't remind everyone of the Katrina charity poker tournaments going on this week. I'll be playing every one that I can.
Where: Party Poker
When: Wednesday, Sept. 7th at 8:50pm EST
Entry: $30
Where: Poker Stars
When: Monday, Sept. 12th at 9:30 EST
Entry: $5
Where: Poker Stars
When: Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 9:30 EST
Entry: $20
Where: Poker Stars
When: Thursday, Sept. 15 at 9:30 EST
Entry: $50
Where: Poker Stars
When: Friday, Sept. 16 at 9:30 EST
Entry: $100
I thought this post by Ed Miller was so dead-on that I'm reposting it here.
Just a great article - wish I had written it myself. Excellent perspective.
Living on Easy Street
If you've made more money playing poker in the last year than you've ever seen before, this article is for you.
The last few months I've written about the planning and mindset required to make it successfully as a professional player. I hope those readers with lots of ambition and few responsibilities have taken my advice and are preparing to take their shot at playing for a living. Now is a terrific time to give your dream a go; there may not be a better time in your lifetimes.
A fair number of recently minted pros are making money like they've never seen before. Fifty thousand over a summer. Online poker accounts with over a hundred grand. If you are twenty, you just started playing poker two years ago, and Lee Jones just called you to warn you of the dangers of playing four tables of $100-$200, listen up. This article is for you.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm only twenty-six myself. I grew up comfortable, but without a ton of money. The poker boom has brought me more money over the last few years than I have seen before. I'm not trying to preach; I'm in much the same situation as many of you. I'm just sharing some of the things I've thought about for myself.
It's Not Going to Last Forever
This notion is already cliche in poker discussions, but it's foolish to dismiss it simply for that reason. For you (and many others) to be making the money you're making, other people have to be losing far more. Nowadays, tons of people are losing tons of money playing poker. There will always be plenty of people willing to lose plenty of money at poker. But there are simply a ridiculous number now. In ten years, expect a high, but somewhat less ridiculous, number. Less "dead money" entering the economy means less to spread around amongst the pros.
Expect a pay cut at some point. No matter how good you are, less money lost by amateurs means less money won by you. This isn't theoretical. It will happen.
Other low probability, but highly catastrophic, things could happen to your poker career. Bots could wreak havoc on online poker. The government could make online gambling illegal. (Napster used to be "legal" too. Then again, the government could make online gambling totally legal, too.) You could get cancer, leaving you broke, owing a hundred grand, and physically unable to play poker seriously.
(Fortunately, you should have medical insurance to protect you somewhat from the financial consequences. But cancer strikes quickly and indiscriminately. One day you are healthy, the next you wake up with cancer. An alarming number of friends my age have recently been diagnosed with the big C. It's scary, but it's a very real part of life, and professional poker players are particularly vulnerable because they have to work for every penny they make. Lying in bed sick means zero income.)
In any event, the next few years are likely to be the highest-earning years you will have playing poker. It's probably downhill from here. Plan accordingly.
It's Probably Not Going to be Your Final Career
Most people switch careers multiple times during their lives. They get sick of what they are doing, new opportunities arise, or unexpected things happen in their lives. If you are reading this, poker is probably your first career. It probably won't be your last. Very few twenty-year-olds play poker fulltime for forty years straight. You probably won't either.
Why do I point this out? Don't quit school to play more poker. That's why. It's dumb, and most of you who do will regret it.
College provides general knowledge, preparation for jobs, and, for better or worse, social status. If you knew you would play poker forever, maybe going to college wouldn't matter so much. But you don't know that, and furthermore, you probably won't play poker forever. Most of you won't be playing poker fulltime even five years from now.
You don't want to be in your late twenties, a college dropout, and desperately looking for something else to do because poker just doesn't do it for you anymore. Maybe you say, "Well, if it gets to that point, I'll just go back to college."
I guess that's possible, but only some actually do go back. You might have a family with kids to support and no time to devote to school. You might have to settle for a school much weaker than the one you're currently in, and that might cause you to get lose interest. Besides, college parties aren't as fun when you're 28.
If you're in college, stay in college and play poker in your free time. (I know you have lots of it. I went to college too.) If you are already sick of school, spend less time on homework and more time on social stuff.
I think people are dropping out of college because they see poker as their "way out." Poker isn't a way out of anything. It's a game, and it can provide some nice extra cash. Some really nice cash if you are good. But eventually you are going to have to (or at least want to) live like a normal person again. Normal people finish college.
Don't Gamble all Your Money Away
So you have a hundred grand burning a hole in your pocket. First, don't buy stupid stuff with it. Stupid stuff means things that lose their value over time (or get completely consumed): cars, trucks, computers, electronics, expensive hotel rooms, bottles of Grey Goose at the club for you and twenty friends every weekend, etc.
You need a car? Spend $10,000 on a used Honda, not $50,000 on a new Hummer. In five years your Honda will be worth $5,000 and your Hummer $15,000. Would you prefer to burn $5,000 or $35,000?
Don't buy an $8,000 television that will be worth $1,000 in three years. Don't stay in $400/night hotels when $150/night ones are basically just as good.
In general, American culture is designed so people feel compelled to buy stuff with their money. The more money they have, the more and more expensive stuff they should buy. That culture was designed by people who sell stuff so that they can get all your money. Don't indulge them.
Also, don't move up to a higher limit without moving a fraction of your bankroll to a long-term investment. Say you normally play $30-$60 on Party with a $30,000 bankroll. Over the past two months, you won a big tournament and cashed in another one, and now you have $250,000 staring at you. You want to move up to $100-$200.
First, you are going to owe taxes on $220,00 provided you don't lose big. So take about $40,000, give or take, and stick it in a safe, short-term savings vehicle like a savings account or CD.
Next, pay off any high-interest debt (i.e., credit card) that you might have.
Assuming you don't have any debt, you now have $210,000 left. If you win that much for the year, you should consider filing as a business (Schedule C), and opening a SEP IRA. That's a tax-deferred retirement account that lets you contribute a huge chunk of your poker income tax free. If you open a SEP, put $40,000 in it and stick the other $20,000 in a long-term investment. If you can't think of anything else, sign up with a big discount brokerage (Fidelity, eTrade, etc.) and put the money in an index fund.
That leaves you with a $150,000 bankroll to take your shot at $100-$200 or higher. And if you lose a big chuck of your bankroll, you'll still be okay.
(Disclaimer: I'm not intending to outline a comprehensive personal finance plan in half a page of a magazine article. I'm giving a bare-bones example to give you an idea about the general sort of thing you should do with your money. If you have real money (more than $30,000 perhaps), you should have significant amounts of it invested in places other than your poker bankroll. If you don't, you could be setting yourself up for problems down the line.)
I feel like a bit of a grandpa writing this article. But I've seen several friends take $80,000 or more bankrolls and grind them literally to nothing through frivolous spending and unwise risk-taking. I don't want that to happen to people who read my articles. A little planning and self-restraint, paired with your poker skills, should allow you to be "set for life" if you take advantage of these fat poker times. Set for life is a lot better than broke with no job and no degree.
Having warned you the entire article about what ills might befall you if you aren't prudent, I wanted to congratulate you. Building yourself a little poker empire is impressive, and you should be proud of your achievement. Good luck in the future, and if you are planning to move up soon, I hope you crush your new game like you crushed your old one.
I quit my job on October 18th of last year. My faithful, long-time readers know how much I've struggled with this poker thing as a job. It was extremely difficult for me for far too many reasons. Go hit the archives if you want a taste.
And so what are my expectations since I've finally accepted that This is What I Do now? I'm hoping to play for another year, two at the most. By then, I'd like to have a better idea of what I'd like to do in my next career. I did the advertising biz for 17 years. I don't really want to go back to it, sadly. I dunno, just rambling here. It's obviously ironic to me that I am one of the lucky ones - I have the internal fortitude to avoid tilting - I'm a long-time winner - I have a fully supportive wife backing me - I lived in Vegas a long time ago and thus learned the hard way about Gambling - I'm blessed with friends who love what I'm doing and love to talk poker.
But playing for a living just sounds much cooler than it really is, that's all. Sure, I'm striking now during this poker gold rush, but it's unsettling to have no plans beyond a juicy game tommorrow.
Whine, whine, whine.
I loved this captured chat posted by the Poker Princess after the Full Tilt charity tournament:
nyconnection (Observer): Phil Josh Arieh a jerk or no?
Phil Gordon: jerk
Phil Gordon: yes, I like Raymer a lot
Phil Gordon: great guy
hhhgamewmx7 (Observer): Hey Phil, Hellmuth, Jerk or funny guy
Phil Gordon: jerk jerk jerk
Phil Gordon: I get along with PH, just think hes a jerk at the table
Did anyone else see that Marcel Luske has his own Rings and Rocks posse?
Poker Circle of Outlaws
And here someone asks and gets an answer about Marcel and his antics at the poker table:
Marcel Luske
Is that singing and dancing and chatter he does at the table more than just him having a good time? What I'm asking is... is he actually using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and/or hypnosis to get his opponents to subconsciously do what he wants, and the whole act is one big mind-fuck he's laying on the others? If so then I would have to say that he's somewhat of a genius.
> I don't think Marcel thinks through to the point of hypnotizing his table. I
> think he is a fun guy who likes to lull the table into a fun easy going mode
> when he is actually very serious and competitive inside. He and Negreanu
> both
> are chatty types who like to control the table mood.
When you are an aggressive player who likes to steal a lot of pots, it pays to have the table "like" you; individual opponents will be more likely to lay down marginal hands. Applies to players like Danny and Luske.
When you are a tight-ass player who only bets big with strong hands, it pays to have the table dislike you; individual opponents will be more likely to call with marginal hands because they are eager to bust you. Applies to players like Hellmuth.
My two cents.
What's going on with all the tons of online poker is rigged posters? It's always been steady white noise through the years, but it's really hit a fever pitch lately. Lotsa players realizing that poker ain't easy, I suppose.
Subject: Does anyone really believe online poker is legit?
The reason I ask is because of an article I read in which the claims to know of a computer programmer who dicovered the use of a "Doom Switch" at AbsolutePoker.com.
If any of this is true then there are some serious issues that need serious answers. Furthermore, if none of these allegations are true then why don't these sites band together and mount a PR campaign to dispell all of these rumors once and for all? Look at what Major League Baseball is doing in the face of the steroid scandel. Jesus Christ! they've got Congress threatening to legislate rules and procedures to protect the integrity of the game.
None of these online poker sites seem to give a rats ass about all of these rumors. I know that I have been playing at Pokerstars for about three years now and if they don't employ the use of a Doom Switch in their game software, I'll eat my shoe.
Funny how between doom switches, pattern mappers and online poker bots, I'm able to keep cranking out the dough. Must be luck.
You know that Ace-Rag is the biggest losing hand in online poker, dontcha? Someone pointed out this fine column in CardPlayer, by TJ Cloutier, about playing these two in a NL tournament.
Playing an Ace With a Wheel Card By T.J. Cloutier, Guest Columnist
I personally don't care for these kind of "What-If" games, but hell, lots of folks responded to this post so I'm sticking it up for you.
Subject: Which supernatural ability would you rather have in poker?
Let's say God came down from heaven to grant you one superpower for your poker playing. Which of the following would you choose:
The ability to know your opponents hole cards?
The ability to know what the community cards (flop games) / your board (stud) would be?
I've thought about this a little bit, and I don't know. Some hands and games it would be better to have one, then again there are times when the other would be much better.
I think in tournament NL Holdem I'd have to go with the community cards though. That would make races a whole lot easier.
Again, I'd rather spend my valuable (and dwindling) brain energy on thinking about Real poker issues. I truly enjoy thinking/reading about poker strategy. The more I learn, the more I question. Learning - improving in poker is a beautiful thing. It's an affirmation. Poker is really nothing but a decision making process over and over. Paper, rock, scissors. Making adjustments to your and your opponents adjustments.
It's skill and judgement that determine profitability. Culpability is crucial. In the long run, you don't get paid paid to win pots, you get paid to make the right decisions.
Microbob gets involved in this thread about the math behind the Party Poker BadBeat Jackpot.
Party Poker BBJ now +EV
Random gambling factoid: The Egyptian god who invented gambling is depicted on the doors of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Think poker has peaked? I disagree and submit as evidence:
Subject: 10, count'em 10 poker magazines in circulation now!
Action - P.O. Box 581045; Elk Grove, CA 95758; 916/691-1984;
All In - 100 Park Ave. #1600; New York, NY 10017; 800/95-ALL-IN;
Assets - 8275 S. Eastern Ave. #247; Las Vegas, NV 89123; 702/241-8888;
Bluff - 15600 Roswell Ave. Suite East 250; Atlanta, GA; 404/250-1798;
Card Player - PO Box 8436; Red Oak, IA 51591; 866/LVPOKER;
High Roller - 6825 Shiloh Rd. East #B4; Alpharetta, GA; 678/990-0285;
Poker Player - 3883 West Century Blvd.; Inglewood, CA 90303; 310/674-3365;
Poker Pro - 2151 W. Hillsboro Blvd. #203; Deerfield Beach, FL 33442;
888/565-3777; www.pokerprofs.com
Top Pair - 3454 E. Southern Ave. #104; Mesa, AZ 85204; 800/964-2846;
Woman Poker Player - www.womanpokerplayer.com
Amy Calistri had an article in Poker Pages asking where are the women? This had quite a few responses but I enjoyed Mr. Harkness's take.
Where are the Women
I wonder if it's because ESPN doesn't show very many events that get
won by women? Annie Duke wins Omaha hi-lo, Cindy Violette wins stud/8,
but ESPN doesn't want to explain split=pot games to the audience, so
we don't see those games. (okay, we got Annie as the side show on the
women's LHE tournament.)
I suspect that while women's participation in poker is up in absolute
numbers, it's down proportionally, overshadowed by the arrival of
thousands of testosterone driven, backwards baseball hat wearing guys.
I once decided not to "turn pro" because I didn't want to spend 40
hours a week sitting around the kind of people you meet in cardrooms.
Perhaps women take one look in cardrooms and decide much the same thing.
John Harkness
Geezus, what can I say that I haven't already said?
Read the following insanity.
I am selling an e-book on how to use mouse movements (patterns) to be dealt certain hands on Stars and how to almost perfectly predict turn and river cards. The price is $50 accepted via Pokerstars Transfer or PayPal.
Man, I sure as hell don't feel bad about shilling with idiots like the above around. At least I provide fine fodder for your dreary workday.
And on that note (cue drumroll)
Support a sponsor if you enjoy this humble poker blog.
Golden Palace Poker
Caribbean Sun Poker
Damn, I guess that's it for now. Plenty more coming. But I gotta play some poker. Online or boat? Decisions, decisions. It's quite a life I lead, lemme tell ya.
Allow me to leave you with this brilliant poker literary gem.
By: Phil Cerasoli
'Twas past midnight, damp and dreary, I in bed awake but weary
Trying vainly to establish with sound slumber a rapport,
When I heard a sound so muffled, sounded like cards being shuffled
Coming from the other side of my sturdy bedroom door.
I tossed and turned and said, "It is the wind and nothing more".
But the sound it was remaining. With bravado in me draining
I donned my robe and tiptoed to my sturdy bedroom door.
I opened it a crack, peeked out and saw the back
Of a man who was just sitting, playing cards upon the floor.
"'Tis a nightmare of my mind," I said, "Just this and nothing more".
'Twas a cloak draped 'cross his back and a Raven, shiny black,
Was facing him and pacing in a circle on the floor.
My jaw dropped when I heard the soft voice of that huge bird
Saying, "Deal me in this card game for a couple hands or more".
And the man tossed four chips to him; four blue chips and nothing more.
Then I must have made a sound, for he slowly turned around
And his face was pale as misty, eerie fog that hugs the shore.
Then he whispered to me low, "I'm the ghost of Allen Poe
Who has come here to play poker as I did in days of yore.
'Tis a poker game I'm craving. Only this and nothing more".
"Won't you sit in for a while?" he asked me with a smile,
"It will make a better card game than it was an hour before".
And, not wanting to incite him, I slowly walked beside him
Meekly asking what the stakes were as I sat down on the floor.
"Penny-ante," said the stranger. Quoth the Raven, "Nothing more."
From the start I had a streak of luck that reached its peak
By my winning all the pennies that the two had owned before.
Then the man said, oh so slyly, (as the Raven grinned so wryly),
"This low stake game we're playing I'm beginning to abhor.
"Then by all means", said the Raven, 'we should surely play for more".
Then the man, with gesture bold, from his cloak withdrew some gold
In a bag that was so heavy that to move it was a chore.
His sly look I failed to heed for my soul was filled with greed
As I saw the golden coins from the sack begin to pour.
"Yes," I whispered weakly, "We should surely play for more".
Then he said in voice so solemn as he stacked coins in a column,
"The hour grows late; I'm weary, so we'll play but one hand more.
If you win, my gold you'll own. If I win then it's your home
That will be mine to have and keep...to keep forevermore".
Quoth the Raven: "Evermore".
I said, "That's fair, I feel." Then the man began to deal
And the cards I had were aces and the aces numbered four.
I said, "My hand is pat and I'm only sorry that
The pot has been established and that we can bet no more."
Quoth the Raven: "Bet some more!"
"He speaks true," I then was told, and the man pulled out more gold
And tossed it with the other coins that were strewn across the floor.
"But I cannot match your bet," I sadly said, "but, yet,
I must have something left; something you two would adore".
Said the Raven, "You in bondage. Only this and nothing more".
"He speaks wisely", said the man. "If you want to bet, you can.
But lose and you're our slave and servant now and evermore".
I stared at my four aces, smiled and looked at my guest's faces,
Sealed the bet and spread my aces down and out across the floor.
Said the Raven in a whisper, "I see aces numb'ring four!"
The face of Poe just glowered as his poker hand he lowered
'Til it covered my four aces that were resting on the floor.
Then amid a quiet hush, I saw his small straight flush
And knew that I was beaten and was doomed forevermore.
Said the Raven, "You in bondage here and now and evermore".
Now on dark nights, cold and dreary, my sore body grows so weary
As I dust and wash and clean and sweep the droppings on the floor.
While my master and his Raven live in comfort in their haven
With their slave who's held in bondage, held in bondage
Link of the Day:
No Testament Like Old Testament
If you need someone to blame for the Hurricane Katrina disaster, look up. "God destroyed a wicked city," proclaimed Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin."
All Content Copyright Iggy 2003-2007
Information on this site is intended for news and entertainment purposes only.
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