Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"Using tactics that equate to blog reader waterboarding, Iggy is putting his dwarfish life at risk. The Negreanu-esque “I have such great news that I can’t tell you about” approach has me this close to posting a picture of the Iggster, in the off chance a reader on the street might pummel him."
Too damn funny.
Rumors are swirling that this humble poker blog has run its course.
Let’s just call it a definite hiatus for now.
How do I possibly write a goodbye post after all this time?
Can someone else do it?
I’m just thinking out loud here. A wake, a celebration of sorts, might be in order. A requiem for a blog, such as it is. Want to write my goodbye post? An epitaph? A review of G&P? A parody? Every angle is fair game.
FYI disclaimer: Guinness and Poker may be taking a long nap but Iggy ain’t leaving.
Whew, thanks for the feedback via emails. Keep it coming.
Al Can't Hang just put up a fantastic G&P obituary post. Go read it NOW!
All Content Copyright Iggy 2003-2007
Information on this site is intended for news and entertainment purposes only.
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