Monday, December 01, 2008
I'm not sure why the knuckledraggers over at 2/2 are thinking the 60 Minutes segment spells the death of online poker. I thought it was fairly benign and accurate. More than I expected, that's for sure.
But for those of you who want to see some video and read the full transcript, it's up over at CNET: '60 Minutes' report: How online gamblers unmasked cheaters
I also caught this new Washington Post article: Prohibition vs. Regulation Debated As U.S. Bettors Use Foreign Sites
Good read.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Poker blogs and 2009...
Damnit, I bought a few games with my new PC and I'm currently mired in the wastelands of Fallout 3. Talk about a time sink.
But hey, this is a poker blog so let me throw a snippet or two out there.
First off, the long-awaited 60 Minutes piece is slated to air tonight. Oh the humanity.
Thankfully, the audience for this show is somewhere north of 70 years old, so I personally don't think there will be much repercussions for us poker playing faithful out there. The news of a scandal is so out-dated by this point that I'm pretty much rolling my eyes.
But then I saw a feature article in todays' Washington Post entitled: Players Gamble on Honesty, Security of Internet Betting and wonder just what the hell is going on anymore. Lord knows I need to catch up on my reading.
And so on it goes.
Current plans for me and this here humble poker blog are to get back on the horse and hit things hard starting in the New Year. I feel like I've pretty much been on hiatus the last quarter or two and it's time to get back in the saddle. So a few more weeks of semi-retirement and then it's back to Destroying Workplace Productivity.
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